Redundant Synchronised Local Pi Hole DNS Setup
·1 min
In order to have DNS redundancy, it is interesting to have more than one DNS server. The gravity-sync utility allows you to have two synchronised pihole instances in very simple ways.
- Follow their tutorial step by step to make it work.
- Also, a nice but a bit old video to understand why gravity-sync is used for.
This has been tested and validated using two instances of pihole running both in a docker container using the example docker-comopse.
Another goal, also, was to overcome the Maximum number of concurrent DNS queries reached (max:150) error, coming mostly from routers of the community network. Having two piholes might help two split the DNS queries in two instances, but might be not enough.
Follow this post to increase max DNS forward limit and the minimum time-to-live settings for cached lookups. This seems to solve the warning.