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Create a SSH Reverse Tunnel To Access Any Remote Machine

·1 min

How to access any machine through reverse SSH tunneling.

Things needed:

  • Restricted Machine: Machine unaccessible remotely that we want to have access.
  • Public Machine: A machine that can be accessed from anywhere. That might be because it uses a public IP or because it has a Dynamic DNS service such as DuckDNS.
  • Client to access the remote machine: Any machine that has internet access and SSH.

From restricted machine acces public machine:

ssh PublicMachineUsername@publicIPaddress -R 5555:localhost:22

SSH to Public IP machine from the client:

ssh PublicMachineUsername@publicIPaddress

Use reverse SSH:

ssh -p 5555 RestrictedMachineUsername@localhost

specific case

From restricted machine access public machine:

ssh PublicMachineUsername@publicIPaddress -R 5555:localhost:22

SSH to Public IP machine:

ssh PublicMachineUsername@publicIPaddress

Use reverse SSH:

ssh -p 5555 user@localhost